Archives for February 2021

Lay Pastoral Ministry Program Launched

In the fall, the archdiocese launched the Lay Pastoral Ministry program. This program was designed to educate lay Catholics to be pastoral ministers in the Church. A branch of the Athenaeum of Ohio, it is now called Lay Ecclesial Ministry Formation.

Mother Teresa Visits

Mother Teresa, foundress of the Missionaries of Charity and now known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, makes her first of three visits to the greater Cincinnati area.  The other visits were in 1981 and 1982.

Joseph Bernardin Named Archbishop

Following the unexpected death of Archbishop Leibold, Joseph Bernardin is named Archbishop of Cincinnati. He worked to promote stewardship and centralized diocesan structures and took an active role in the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, serving as its general secretary and later its president.

Sixth Archdiocesan Synod

Following the Second Vatican Council, Archbishop Leibold launches the sixth archdiocesan synod (Synod ’71), involving, for the first time, a significant number of laity in planning for the Church’s future. After a year of preparation, over 3,000 delegates gathered in assembly and voted upon documents that provided new guidelines for the life of the archdiocese. The synod strengthened the role of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council and the Priests’ Senate.